HAMS Productions was formed in 2016 and performed its first pantomime in 2017. Our first pantomime Cinderella was performed in the Harrietsham Village Hall in January 2017. We perform a pantomime every January at Lenham Community Centre and occasional serious plays.
Our original principle: “Community Theatre at the Heart of the Community” remains true to this day, and whilst we may perform in different locations due to logistical reasons our principle remains close to HAMS Productions heart and soul.
If you have an interest in Amateur musical theatre we would love to hear from you, whether you seek to be on stage, behind the scenes or front of house we have a need of your help.
We will need help in all aspects of the production. If you’re secondary school age or over and you have any interest in, or know anyone that you think might be able to help with any of the areas below, we’d love to hear from you. No previous experience is required, just a willingness to join the crowd and HAVE SOME FUN. (Oh yes you will.…).